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Artists > Liz King

Liz King

Using a range of both traditional and new processes, I work with the photographic image, drawing, painting, the making of objects and digital technologies. 

My images depict a simple and pure response to individual visual elements in either one form or in one place: in their colour, texture and shape, in their reflective quality or visual movement. I explore the fragmenting of a ‘moment’, isolating then layering and manipulating marks and materials in order to alter contexts or isolate elements from their natural state or environment.

Captured in-camera, my initial visual stimulus is often found in organic matter, in landscape or in the everyday objects that we find so familiar.  

Once back in the studio, I further reflect using selected photographs, then draw and paint using a variety of media, working in layers or collage. To emphasise specific elements within the image, I may for example fragment, duplicate, overlay or resize different segments.

These visual interpretations are often produced in sequence or a series, becoming their own language with unique and often decorative visual rhythms. The resulting image is never pre-planned.  

The final stage of experimentation is through digital painting and manipulation, the resulting images being produced as high quality prints.

Visit Liz King's website here...

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